SMTP Credentials- Start

You would not want other people using your SMTP Mailer, so it is protected by a “ SMTP Username and password” that will link it to other systems- like a handshake- each time you send mail. We need this information to add it to your Email settings on the system. We DO NOT need access to your account. This is private information and allows you to track and manage your own data, as well as the various API connection points if you ever want to use your SMTP Mailer for other mail plug ins.

What we need:

We need 4 pieces of information:

The Address- where your SMTP mailer is located. This is usually in the form of

Supported Ports- this is the connection port number so we know where it needs to be plugged in. (ex. Ex. 587 (Preferred) or 25)

SMTP Username- your server number (ex. Server3xxxxx)

SMTP Password- A Secure generated password that you generate and makes sure that you have access to the account. 

Once we have these 4 pieces of information, we can plug it into our system so the Email is pushed via Socketlabs. Please ensure that your SPF, DKIM and DMARC have been set up prior to the connection, and it should take us up to 24 hours to integrate.

On First Login:

If you log into Socketlabs for the first time, it will ask you to set up your domain and mailer.

1. As soon as you login, you will see the page with your domain. This MUST be the domain you use to send emails. Please click "Continue" on this page, if you see the correct domain.

2. In the Sending Options portion, please select "SMTP Credentials", which here is found on the left hand side.

3. Here in Integrate Setup, you will see all the information that is needed to send to your Q One Onboarding Manager. Please copy and paste the 4 Points Q1 Tech needs to set it up- as found in the Address, Supported Ports, SMTP Username, and SMTP Password sections here:

This information will remain the same unless you change the SMTP password/key associated with this Account. If you must ever do so, please ensure you let your Q One Account Manager know, as you will have no mail flow from your account otherwise.

You can now close the page and forward the details to Q1. The next time you log in (after Q1 is finished setting up), you will be taken straight to the Dashboard.

Already On Socketlabs:

If you are already Logged In to Socketlabs/Using the service or said Skip Setup:

1. You can get to the Main Dashboard by clicking the Socketlabs Logo on the Top Left corner.

2. On the Ribbon at the top of the screen, you will see the Configuration Tab, Click here and go into SMTP Credentials.

3. Here you will find all the information needed, please copy and paste the Address, Supported Ports, SMTP username and Password, and send it to your Q1 Tech Onboarding Manager.

Disclaimer: Usually, set up for the SMTP done within 24 hours, however the DKIM, DMARC, and SPF record must be in place prior to set up or you will be ruining your mailer reputation. Please ensure these are in place for your account prior to sending over the Mailer settings.

Please do not hesitate to contact us at if you need any further assistance.