There are many touchpoints with members in the system that are automated for you.

When Panel Members join your panel- they receive a Confirmation Email in their mailbox- requesting that they confirm their email to be invited to studies. Once they do so there is a Confirmed Member Email that gets sent out, with their member login details. These are all automatically sent once certain trigger points have occurred.

All Automatic emails are Panel specific, and are called Translations in the Q1 Platform, due to being able to edit the automatic emails in multiple languages- so each member is getting tailored email sent to them.

You can find the Translations by going into the Panel > Overview section and clicking on the panel that you would like to edit. You will find them under General Information > Panel Links : Panel texts and Translations.

They are separated into groups for when they are required. 

When starting out- the most important to update are the Onboarding Emails, Maintenance emails, Survey Start Page, and the Landing Pages. 

If you click on the category it will expand with all the options that are available, as well as the different languages that you have enabled for this panel.

Translation Groups:

Project Related Emails - Emails that are related to the survey/projects. This is the Invitation + emails that get sent out once members have a status for the project.

Onboarding Emails - These are emails that relate to Joining the panel, and confirming you are a member.

Maintenance Emails - These are for when your panel member resets their password/ changes their email address.

Other Emails and Email Additions - Payment emails to members

Landing Pages - These are panel specific landing page texts that panel members see after they complete the survey, and it updates their studies.

Survey Start Page - Before Members start a survey- they will see these texts- either before entering the survey, or if they have been imported and require to Opt-in.

General Information - Panel Specific Information, such as Name, Registration, and Panel Join Header.

Personal And Survey Invite Email Templates - Templates that are used for Inviting, you can have as many as you want.

Translation Groups in more detail:

Project Related Emails:

  • Survey Email Invite - default invite template for this panel, used when inviting members to participate in a survey
  • Congratulations Email - triggered email when a member lands on the Complete Landing Page (survey result page)
  • Sorry - triggered email when a member lands on the Terminate or Quota Full Landing Page (survey result page)
  • Survey Timed Out - Survey Time out reminder, after 30 minutes of inaction in the survey
  • Money Released - triggered email once project is closed in life cycle and complete has been accepted
  • Payment Processed Confirmation - Clicking 'mark as paid' in panel Financials or Member Management

Onboarding Emails:

  • Panel Join Reminder - Members who registered at your panel but haven't confirmed their email address yet
  • Membership Confirmation - Email sent after member clicked 'Register' in Panel Joiner. Asks to confirm Email address
  • Panel Member Email Confirm Success Email - Email sent out after member confirms email address, stating the member is a full member of the panel. (Used when Validation NOT enabled)
  • Imported Panel Member Email Confirm Success Email - Triggered email after Imported member clicks 'Yes' on Opt In Page
  • Panel Member Validation Email - Email sent after member confirms email address, stating they are now in Validation stage, and to provide additional details if necessary (ONLY if Validation Enabled)
  • Panel Member Validation Success Email - Email sent out after Validation completed by Panel manager, stating member is now full member of the panel (ONLY if Validation Enabled)

Maintenance Emails:

  • Password Reset - Email to Panel Member who requests a Password Reset
  • Email Address Change - Email to Panel Member who changes their Email in Member Dashboard

Other Emails and Email Additions:

  • Withdraw Request Made - Notify Panel member their withdrawal request was successful (Withdrawal Incentives ONLY)
  • Payment Processed Confirmation - Inform Panel Member that payment is processed and incentive is on the way
  • Payment Email - Not an automatic email, just a holding spot for a potential email- to inform a member that the incentive is on its way
  • Balance Reminder - Email triggered if panel members are inactive and still have unclaimed funds (timer set in Panel Settings) (Withdrawal Incentives ONLY) 
  • Panel Email Aged Balance Message - Addition trigger when search-replace field {AgedBalancedMessage} is used in any email and Member has unclaimed Balance in their account (Withdrawal Incentives ONLY)
  • Panel Email Advert HTML - Advert text that can be added to any email with search-replace field {PanelAdvert}. Can be used for product/service supplier by your company.

Landing Pages:

  • Complete Landing Page Text (+ Title) 
  • Landing Page Payment Pane Text (+ Title) 
  • Landing Page Referral Pane Text (+ Title)
  • Terminate Landing Page Text (+ Title) 
  • Quota Full Landing Page Text (+ Title)
  • Open Surveys Pane Text (+ Title)  

Survey Start Page:

  • Survey Start Instruction Text - First page members see when clicking the survey start link
  • Opt In Confirmation Question - If a member has been imported, they will see this page. It usually says how you got their information and asks them to Opt In to receive email invites from your company in the future
  • Opt In Answer Yes - Imported Member Option 'Yes' to confirm getting email invites from your company in the future
  • Opt In Answer No - Imported Member Option 'No' to refuse to get email invites from your company in the future. This member will then be Deleted (Prevent Reimport) from your panel.

General Information:

  • Panel Name Text - name of the Panel, can be used in invites as a search-replace field: {PanelName}
  • Panel Registered - Panel registration, shown in Panel member dashboard footer
  • Panel Join - Header for the Panel Join Survey
  • Panel Info - Additional Panel information, since you are likely to keep the header short, it is possible to link to this page
  • Panel Privacy Policy - Panel Specific Policy, please note the default text is an example of a privacy policy, and Q1 Tech cannot be liable for the accuracy of the content or its translations.

Personal And Survey Invite Email Templates:

  • Any templates created for use in sending out emails