In order to invite members, you have to click on the second button in the 'actions' section - Invite/exclude.
On the displayed page you can see all selections created for this project. You can have as many selections as you want.
To create a selection click on the 'add selection' button.
You have to select panel and country. Filters related to that panel will be shown, and you can use them to find members you need.
System filters - These filters are available for every panel. They are easy to use as long as you use them correctly.
*Other filters - These filters are basically filters based on your panel joiner. These filters should be implemented during the onboarding. They are customizable, and if you see that some of them are missing - contact us.
Filters are explained here.
After filtering, you have to input a number of invites required.
The Invite hierarchy will be on 'most responsive first' automatically, but if you need to change this for any reason simply click on the drop-down list and select your preferable invite hierarchy. This is a self-learning system and by the time system will learn who is responsive and who is not. Last but not least step is to click on the little invite button. This is not an invitation yet. You have to do a couple more steps to actually send out invites. The next steps are shown in the picture below.
Selection name - Should be something that will help you organize or find information faster - e.g., Soft launch/Full launch.
Quota group - This is necessary for sending invitations - Quota groups are explained here.
Incentive in number, Incentive in the text - e.g. 1.00 - One dollar
Topic - Study topic, used to fill invitation mail with {SurveyTopic} search&replace field.
Set internal survey link button is there to include survey link automatically - If you are using the client's link simply paste it.
Length of Interview - include a number(mins) to define the length of the interview.
Survey link type - Explained here.
Subject - Email invitation subject - customizable
Email body - Your default emails invitation body - customizable
Once you finish everything click on Book Selection - you will get a preview email to check if everything is good
Be aware because you will get a preview email that will go to the very first member on the list, so you are able to break that member's survey.
The final step is to send an invitation by clicking on the 'Send Invitation' button.
Also, you can click on the Download IDs button to double-check if all of your members are going to be invited
If everything is good with the preview email you are good to go and click on the "Send Invites" button.