Wildcards are like jokers.

You can use wildcards '%' and '_' in almost every input field to search quickly:

‘%’ replaces the entire part of the word:

If you type ‘%a%’ the system will search for everything that has a letter “a” inside of the word.

If you type  ‘%a’ the system will search for everything that has a letter “a” on the end of the word.

If you type  ‘a%’ the system will search for everything that has a letter “a” at the beginning of the word. 

‘_’ replaces only one letter inside of word(can be used multiple times): 

If you use ‘_a_’ system will search for everything that is three letters long and have a letter ‘a’ in the middle.

If you type ‘_ _ _b’ system will search for everything that is four letters long and have the letter ‘b’ at the end. (Be aware of spaces between underscores, they should not be there. Spaces are here just for better representation.)