Q One Platform allows you to invite your panel members to external surveys, and redirect members back into the project after they have gotten a status through the landing pages. This updates their status on the Panel and you are able to see all projects members have been invited to and have completed/terminated/quota filled. These landing pages send information from your client's survey system to the Q1 landing pages, which allows you to know the status of every member that has been invited to the survey.
To begin this process, you must send the project landing pages to your client/survey programmer. This tutorial is for your survey programmer about how to implement the landing pages in Decipher.
First, you can find the Landing pages to the project in Project > Overview, and clicking Landing Pages. Just copy and paste these pages, and send them over to the survey programmer in decipher.
Note: The links cannot be copied and pasted into Decipher by the scripting team. On the Q1 Platform, we use the dynamic variable [ID] which tracks the id of the member and replaces it within each link, and passes it on. Decipher does not have a dynamic variable called [ID] and needs to create and generate one of for use in the project.
How to generate a variable for the ID:
In Decipher, go to Survey Editor and click on Participant Sources on the left hand side.
You will need to click +Add New Participant Source if you do not have one yet.
Once it has been created, click on the new participant source (Here Q One found on the left side under Participant Source).
First click +Variable, and add ID as a Unique variable.
Note: Decipher does not allow you to add id (in lowercase, as it means something to Decipher). Please make sure to add it in capital letters.
Once the new unique variable has been created, you can now add it to the landing pages to pass on the information to Q1 Platform, which is found right below the variable creation page.
As Decipher does not understand Q One Platform's [ID] variable, we will remove it from the links sent as the Landing pages, and replace it with the created variable from Decipher. Decipher's variables are in ${Variable_Name} format. Below we can see that only [ID] has been replaced in the link with ${ID} for each landing page.
The landing pages have now been completed, and you will now see once a member has completed the Decipher survey, because we are redirecting them back to Q1 with their ID and survey status.
To test this, you can click Survey Test Environment. You must make sure that you select the Participant source and fill in the variable here. If the Q1 Platform has a limit on the type of IDs that it will accept from the Decipher platform, you must ensure that your ID range fits into that range. Ex. If you provided a list of IDs that should be redirecting, you must use one of those IDs to test, otherwise you will not properly end up on the redirects (if it is a supplier on Q1).