Complete and Terminate pages are regarded as “event” pages in Q One. That is because they are shown
by using transition logic, which we will cover in the next step. These three pages are shown upon
completion or termination of the survey, and they lead to designed landing pages.

Create the complete page:

1. Create a new page after you have completed the main part of the survey and Add New Page And
Question. The Page code will be referenced in Logic, so keep it consistent (ex. COMPLETE)
2. Create the text for this page that the panel members will see once they land on this page. For the
question type, select Descriptive text (No Answers) to only show the text without answer options.
3. Add the Next button and select Complete. This will automatically pipe in the Landing page URL for this
project and ensure the status of this member is correctly updated.

Create the Terminate/Quota Full pages:

1. Create a new page after you have completed the main part of the survey and Add New Page And
Question. The Page code will be referenced in Logic, so keep it consistent (ex. TERM and QUOTA)
2. Create the text for this page that the panel members will see once they land on this page. For the
question type, select Descriptive text (No Answers) to only show the text without answer options.
3. Add the Next button and select Terminate or Quota depending on what status you want these
members to have once they click this button. This will automatically pipe in the Landing page URL for
this project and ensure the status of this member is correctly updated.

Note: Terminate and Quota Full pages should NOT have Previous buttons as members can go back
into the survey and attempt to change their answers.