So, first thing we need to clarify here is the meaning of both criteria logic and transition logic.

The criteria logic could be translated as “when the specific answer/page or question will be shown, based
on something answered.” This is added DIRECTLY to the element you want to influence to show/no show.

The transition logic could be translated as “what will happen when we move off the current page, by
clicking the Next button.” This is added to the page where you want the member to be redirected from,
and does NOT have to be the same page as where the question that will control the logic is located.

An example of this is if you have a question near the start of the survey that would be a terminate,
but you would like to keep everyone who answered it until the last page, and terminate only once
they are on the last page. In this case, you can refer to the question on the first page, but add the
actual logic to the last page, so once they click the next button they would be redirected to the
TERM page in the survey because they previously selected that answer option.
We see that criteria logic is applicable to questions, answers, and pages. Transition logic is applicable to
pages only. Luckily, Q One has its own wizard to generate the Criteria/Transition logic.

 Q One Wizard:
Q One wizard is a helper tool that simulates user’s interaction with the survey and generates the logic
based on that specific interaction.

  1. To access the wizard, you need to click the magic wand icon on the top right corner of survey designer (underlined in red color).

2. Here you will see all the questions that are available to create simple logic from. Select the question you would like to use and click the answer options that you would like to make logic for, ex – I would like to Transition everyone who selects Berlin as an option to the TERM page.  


3. Now the on the bottom of the wizard pop-up screen, the wizard will ask you what should happen if the selection above matches (true) and what happens if it has not matched (false). In this case, we want to send them to TERM page if they selected Berlin (our selection) so we will set TERM as condition is met, and Next Rule if condition is not met.

4. Once Criteria Logic and Page transition logic are generated, and the only step left for the programmer is to copy and paste them into the survey page. If you expand the page (by clicking on the page code) on the survey overview it will show you the gray box with the Page Criteria Logic and Page Transition Logic for this page. You can paste them there directly (if applicable to pages).  

5. On the picture above, we can see the corresponding places for Criteria and Page transition logic. Obviously, Page transition logic is unique per page, while every question/answer or page has its own criteria logic. Note that you can put multiple criteria logics in place, by hitting “Enter” and adding the new logic.