A panel member can change her/his email address in the account section of the panel member dashboard. After changing the email address the member will receive a new confirmation email so he/she can opt in again and therefore confirm the email address is legit. After changing the email address a panel member is set to the member state 'Awaiting Confirmation' and therefore can't be invited to surveys, nor get paid for surveys completed prior to updating the email address. After opting in the member will be set to 'Confirmed' and everything will work normal. The member can be invited to studies and be paid for projects completed before changing the email address. 

It is not possible to register the same email address twice when 'duplicate emails allowed' is disabled. A panel member will get a warning when trying to change the email address to one which is already registered to that panel.

Managers can change email address with the Edit Members feature. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: The Edit Members feature will not warn you if you manually add a duplicate email address, nor does a panel member need to opt in again, if the email address is changed under Edit Members. It is therefore vital that you check if the new email address already exists in this panel and you need to make sure that the panel member really is the owner of that new email address.